Mega delivers FM HDR Branch and CIF Combiner systems to combine multiple transmitters into broadband antenna systems. These combiners can be branch, or star point style to combine up to 3 FM stations with 50 dB of isolation at all power levels. Constant Impedance Filter systems (CIF) can combine up to 10 separate stations and offer the ability for future channel expansion.
All Mega filters have been designed with HD Radio in mind, the optimized pass band covering the complete FM channel (±200 kHz).
FM HDR Branch Combiners
Combine up to 3 FM channels to a single master antenna.
Provide a minimum of 50 dB isolation between transmitters.
Factory tuned and cannot be retuned in the field.
Lower cost.
FM HDR CIF Combiners
Combine up to 10 FM channels to a single master antenna.
Can be set up as a single input device or as a dual input device to facilitate High Level HD combining.
This unit can be tuned in the field.
CIF Combiners have the ability of future expansion.